Quick Intergalactic Drainage History Summary (IGNORE THIS PART!!!!)

[Throughout the history of the multiverse, every single entity, object and subject whose energy is deemed wasteful or too much for this intergalactic multiverse space group is redirected to this subspace outside of the galaxy that the scientists still debate whether if this subspace should be categorized as a "space" at all. This subspace is a complete enigma to every entity, object and subject, both in-multiverse or for those within the subspace, but some of the bravest, most smart-ass and the least wisest of the scientists within this intergalactic multiverse space group conducted an experiment regarding this certain outer galaxy wasteland and the results of the experiment were... quite controversial to say the least...]

[...According to the research results, this entire subspace is, in fact, a giant drainage system that acts as a waste manager for this specific intergalactic multiverse space group (For convenience purposes, we'll use the abbrevation "IMSG-1b" when referring to the specific multiverse group "Intergalactic Multiverse Space Group-1b" from now on) so that every single entity, object and subject existing within IMSG-1b can continue to exist without causing any kind of error or difficulty within the laws of physics or quantum physics of this IMSG. Their explanation for making things more clear to the mainstream audience was "think of it as the recycle bin within your computer. Even if you didn't consciously deleted any file, it automatically deletes any kind of unnecessary file and data so that you can continue to use your computer without any difficulty." However, they did not had any explanation for when the IMSG-1b Science Council raised suspicions and questions regarding the legitimacy of their results, just like the way they didn't had any explanation for their aggressive and immature response when the judgement and the suspicions of the science council damaged their smart-ass-scientist egos. But due to the lack of evidence against the legitimacy of this experiment, the "Intergalactic Drainage Theory" remains debated in IMSG-1b yet to this day...]

[...What they have failed to realize is that the experiment was somewhat true. The only wrong part was that this place is more than a laws-of-physics-breaking multiverse drainage system. It's more than that. This place is the last train stop of the stupid shower thought you wished to forget. This place is the last train stop of the dust you cleaned away from the living room. This place is the last train stop of that one elderly blind man that you only chatted with once in your lifetime during that one metro ride to your school and will probably never gonna see ever again in your lifetime. This place smells terribly. It has worn down concrete walls dirtied and muddied over the eons it experienced, and mostly due to the waste material passing by every single day. This place has molds and fungi colonies growing inside the cracks within the walls, on some days, it becomes the only edible source of food in your vicinity, especially when you don't have a traveling companion to kill and feast on its flesh. It tastes bitter, but at least its nutricious (at least that was what my former vegan traveling companion told me). We are the ones that was forsaken by the multiverse, some of us are the offsprings of those forsaken ones. None of us are deserving of living and surviving in such place, and yet we still try to hang on to life despite the foul stench attacking our lungs and the lingering sense of paranoia and uncertainty visiting us every once in a while within the dark chambers of these sewers, taking an inch away from our sanity with each visit. This place is the last train stop of the ones that are deemed a "waste material" so that a several googolplex (perhaps even more) entity, object and subject can continue to exist peacefully in their cozy galaxy. This place is terrible, it drives us insane, it made many of us depressed, but most importantly, this place is a complete enigma.]

(Source: an anonymous "sewer" historian and archivist crook.)

About: The Webmaster and The Purpose Of This Website (READ THIS PART INSTEAD)(The previous div box was written by some random "sewer" crook)

So, uhh, yeah. Now I opened this website to start my personal website journey all over again, both for rebranding purposes and for personal reasons.

Let me re-intrduce myself first. I'm Robotick/Pluto/Juno Jupiter/Trash Raccoon. Obviously, I couldn't settle on one specific nickname for myself. Robotick felt too restricting, I wasn't really vibing with Pluto enough to settle on it (although I'll admit that it's way too cool to abandon), I was way too emotionally attached to Juno Jupiter and Trash Raccoon was the type of nickname I would only use as a musician alias. Ultimately, you can just call me by my neocities username, aka robotickyuu, or just call me any of these nicknames mentioned above. It's up to you.

I am planning on sharing my creative pursuits in this website, alongside with journal entries where I talk about my interests, my rants, the random pieces of fun facts I hoarded from the internet & types of media, infodumps, my ocs, or basically anything I want to talk about and share with other like-minded individuals. Also, unlike what those "sewer" crooks say, this website is not an "Intergalactic Drainage System". I don't know what kind of lies you've been told to ever since you visited this website, but I can assure you that EVERY. SINGLE. THING. that those crooks say are a total sham. Be chill about it, there is nothing to worry about, and this foul stench does not exists anymore, it's just your brain tricking you. Perhaps you could check a doctor to get a synestesia diagnosis, eh?

Anyways, I hope you like my humble place within the internet where I share a bit of myself to the world, and I hope you have a nice week, too (you can re-read this last sentence every single week to make your ongoing week a little more nicer, if you wish to do so).

Quiz Results:

violet hummingbird

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Hedgehogs are lactose intolerant.

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People say you're a little weird- but that's just the way you've always been and you don't see any reason to change it. You are comfortable in your own skin and you always have been, and other's opinions don't really affect your percieved self-worth.

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you are cornflowerblue

Your dominant hues are cyan and blue. You like people and enjoy making friends. You're conservative and like to make sure things make sense before you step into them, especially in relationships. You are curious but respected for your opinions by people who you sometimes wouldn't even suspect.

Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you. You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it.

Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything.
the spacefem.com html color quiz
