[17/02/2025]: Journal page is back, this time w/ the first 2025 journal entry.

[25/01/2025]: Finally finished the Sketch and Misc Artwork sections and put some old art from last year. Will work on them more later on, a lot of work has to be done.

[24/01/2025]: Bear Blog link added in the Socials section, and the Journals page got archived. Check out my Bear Blog for future blog posts form now on, I will make another page in this website for personal essays and other stuff instead.

[22/12/2024]: New journal entry + some other minor updates + new links added to the "Socials" section at the homepage.

[19/12/2024]: New journal entry and a shit ton of button links hoarded from other websites to link them to my website so others can discover them too. The journal page loads slow tho...

[16/12/2024]: Finished the "Finished Pieces" section, I'll work on the rest of the art pages later on.

[14/12/2024]: Started working on the "Data Servers" page, stay tuned!

[20/11/2024]: Azure Dragon's Inn spotted at the northern section Finally added a chatbox! You can leave comments now :D

[16/11/2024]: Created a website playlist for the homepage! You can check it below the "Website Trinkets" section, it's inside the same div.

[15/11/2024]: BIG UPDATES Y'ALL!!! Finally finished making the "Journal" page, and did some other minor changes. And most importantly, I finally fixed the distracting white rectangle under the entrance gate in the index page.

[13/11/2024]: Deleted the screen filter, it looked ugly.

[12/11/2024]: A lot of new updates today. Customized the scrollbar, added the "Sewer Lore" page, and added new blurry filters on each webpage. Gonna adjust the filters later on to fit the theme better though...

[10/11/2024]: Some more updates, the homepage looks better now.

[09/11/2024]: Opened this website 3 days ago! Finally started to build it!

citadark Dreamycities Dreamyverse Brugmansia Manor Banner web button: soulbox Visit Melonking.Net! blinkies.cafe | make your own blinkies! emmy's cool site button Lady of the Sea

Website Trinkets!

My Website Button!

It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!

Website TamaNOTchi!


Website Homepage Playlist!

Dead Man by sElf

Smoke Coming from a Cabin in the Distance by Macabre Plaza

Cyberpsychosis by Sinful Soulform

Small Town Pigeon by Macabre Plaza

vacillate by Oliver Buckland


Aristotle's Denial by Joe Hawley



*strange throaty coughing noises*

...Ah, you see, the air quality inside these sewers is not very good for the health of your lungs. (If you suffer from any kind of respiratory problems, I advise you to leave)


Welcome to my modest location of residence, dear guests, specifically those who stayed to fuck up their perfectly healthy lungs (or the ones that surrendered to their curiosity)! I see you are quite baffled and confused by the environment you ended up in. And how did you ended up here again? Through a "door"?? HAH! Oh, my dear sweet spring child, that was no ordinary door! It was probably one of The Fiddler's tricks again! You see, he has his ways of dealing with supernatural intergalactic traveling portals, and if you are not a huge fan of these types of portal gimmicks, I advise you to stay here until you feel comfortable about using that portal to go back to your home (or maybe not - who knows where these doors will open to?)

Until then, feel free to stick around and explore some other spaces! If your lungs feel heavy and aching already, there are other places inside this sewer system that has much better air quality than this place! But I must warn you, my dear guests, this sewer system is no ordinary place! You may encounter strange entities, documents of histories that may not even have existed in the first place (or maybe they did happen... How can we know?), trying to trick your minds into believing things, and most importantly, other types of portals that may open to other types of dimensions and places that may get you stuck there FOREVER!!! My previous visitors said I am being paranoid about that stuff, but I CAN PROVE THE CONTRARY!! WHO SAID I'M BEING DELUSIONAL!?!? NO, THE GAS DIDN'T CAUSED ME TO LOSE MY MIND-

Cut. Suddenly, the movement is no more. The scene feels more peculiar when you realize that even a motionless enviromnet like a sewer can become so unnatural when you take away the slight micro movements that were animating your surroudings. Which is interesting because that was the first thing that you noticed, perhaps even before the statue-like stillness of the screaming hag's face holding this uncomfortably brief space between your face. It's not moving, and you can observe the details of her face because that's the only thing you can do, you can't look away, your head stays still, your eyes are locked in one direction, moevement is restricted.

And before you could even understand what's going on, the screen closes. The visuals disappear with the flicker of a static and you are left with the confusion of what just happened. Was it real?

The opening scene wasn't that good, right? But anyways, sorry to break the immersion...

Oh, and let me introduce myself first. Name's Juno Jupiter, but you can call me Robotick as well. This place is not a sewer system, but instead, it's my personal website. Idk why did I went with this "sewer" theme, especially after learning that the "sewer" theme I had in mind isn't even that accurate to real lie sewage systems... Other than that, feel free to look around, this website is where I will post my art, writings or any of my creative pursuits in general. But these aren't the only things that I will share, of course. I am thinking of posting blog posts or maybe I'll open a page to scream into the void. Who knows?

About The Webmaster:

- Name is Robotick/Pluto/Juno Jupiter/Trash Raccoon (or simply whatever suits you)

- Born in February 10, 20XX

- Beginner guitar player

- Started taking coding seriously in 2024, doesn't knows Javascript yet.

- Turkish, doesn't lives there anymore though

- An artist and a writer as well

- Loves poetry

- Loves abstract stuff

- "Stop motion & Eastern European animation rocks"

- Other side hobbies include: cooking, tarot & oracle divination, exploring places, reading and sewing


Retronaut Webring!

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no ai webring previous random next a bluegreen rectangle showing the words the NO AI webring, with NO AI being written by a fountain pen, all in the style of 16 bit Windows 95 icons. to either side are two equally Windows-95-style cursors pointing left and right, softly bouncing up and down. in between it all is a small black question mark

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